Theodore Kaczynski: University and Airline Bomber
Ted Kaczynski, also known as the “Unabomber,” was born on May 22, 1942, in Illinois. A mathematics prodigy, Kaczynski taught at the University of California at Berkeley before retreating to a survivalist lifestyle in the Montana woods. Between 1978 and 1995, Kaczynski mailed bombs to universities and airlines, killing three people and injuring 23 more. FBI agents arrested Kaczynski in 1996, and two years later he was sentenced to life in prison.
Neo-Luddism TEMPLE
La fiscalía lo acusa de haber enviado 16 paquetes bomba (entre el 25 de mayo de 1978 y el 24 de abril de 1995), que provocaron tres muertos y 23 heridos, y piensa pedir la pena de muerte. El arresto de Kaczynski, el 3 de abril de 1996, en una solitaria cabaña sin agua ni electricidad del Estado norteamericano de Montana, puso fin a una de las persecuciones más largas de la historia del FBI (Bureau Federal de Investigaciones).
«Es frustrante, pero parece que no puedo hacer una bomba mortal».-TK
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A Cabin in the wood