Rubén Cárdenas. 1970.
Image and sound technician, photographer, video-creator and self-taught in the field of multimedia design and information technologies. I combine my activity as an independent professional and multimedia consultant for artistic production, with the development of audiovisual projects around Netart, Vjiing, generative design and social criticism from my window.
From a very early age I won several literary prizes in short story, comic and photography competitions in my country. At the age of 17 I wrote and took photographs for the now defunct and mythical magazine «AL MARGEN» and I was part of its editorial committee. I actively collaborated in the neighbourhood movement in my neighbourhood, designing posters and designing the books for the annual poetry competition organised by the Asociación de Mujeres de la Margen Izquierda (Left Bank Women’s Association). I was also part of a breakdance group and of the dance company «Dies Irae» as an image technician and assistant director.

As a graphic and web designer, multimedia producer or consultant in new technologies applied to art, I’ve worked for the city councils of Zaragoza, Pamplona, Huesca, Ainzón, Valpalmas, Torrellas… and with artists and musicians such as Javier Peñafiel, Ricardo Calero, Gervasio Sánchez, Paco García Barcos, Javier Almalé, Jesús Bondía, Carlos Hollers, Santi Comet, Daniel Rabanaque, Miriam Reyes, Paco Rallo, Samuel Hereza among others.
In 2002 I won the Emerging Talent Award at the OFFF 02 international festival, which allowed me to work for three years as a multimedia creative for the Italian brand DIESEL. In those years I was also a member of the jury of the 2004 LAUS awards in the Interactive and New Media category.
I participated as a speaker or guest artist in the following festivals, exhibitions, workshops and conferences: ArtFutura03 (2003.Barcelona), «What you see is what you hear» 2002. Lecture at the Monasterio de Veruela, Zaragoza, «Poesía en el Moncayo I/ II / III», CineticWeb (Málaga), Fusitrónica03 (2003. University of Zaragoza), En La Frontera 04/06 (Zaragoza), Maquinarte 03/04/05/06 (Cáceres), OpenArt 06 (Zaragoza), OFFF 01/02/03/06 (Barcelona), ELECTRO2M6 (2006. Zaragoza), Talleres Internacionales de Arte Contemporáneo (TAC_2006). PERIFERIAS 05/06/10 (Huesca), «10 Artists against gender violence» 2005 (Zaragoza). «Graphic Designers against gender violence» 2006 (Zaragoza). Start Session 2007 (4ºEspacio. Zaragoza). CAT 2010 Conference. Digital Mile (Zaragoza). Animainzón 2011. Film and Animation Festival (Ainzón, Zaragoza), Proyecta Aragón 2011. Pasarela Media 2015 (Etopia. Zaragoza City of Knowledge Foundation). As a VideoJockey I was part of the dj’s collective «El megáfono» and I have made visuals for dj’s and bands such as Autechre, Dat Politics, Milanese, Bong-RA, Oriol Rossell, PARSEC, Vex D, Ardisson, DJ Rupture, Hungry Bogart, Kenneth Kirchner…
You Beware!
Moral has aesthetic subjective criteria.Let’s Keep it Clear. Keep it Simple.
I don’t waste my time with the wrong clients.
SO think before request a budget and check my social profiles. Maybe we don’t like each other.
Please judge my ability as a multimedia designer based on my portfolio. I don’t Create Samples
for Free Before Starting
a Project
When you go to me for design work, you are not just buying my skills at manipulating images on a computer, you are also paying for my know-how.
I’ll charge for the time I spend, thinking about your project as the same rate as the time I spend working on the computer or meetings.
Without trust,
there is nothing.
If you asks for spec work it really says something much bigger:
I don’t trust you.
I’m always learning how to handle the problem, rather than shy away from it, realizing that the big goal is to make complicated things simple.
Change your thoughts and you change your world.
“There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW!
Wow is the one to aim for.” Milton Glaser